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HandPan Sound Healing Journey

Click HERE to my contact page and ask to have updates for the next HandPan Sound Healing Journey

The HandPan is Metal Magic. The very sound is alchemical in nature, like metal becoming water, be coming air. This has a very interesting effect on the listener, relaxing and trance-like while being activating and energizing at the same time.  “I have been playing these beautiful instruments for many years, and their depth and range never ceases to amaze me. Come and allow this SoundBath to assist you in dissolving into the purest and truest parts of you. Receive these sonic blessings and allow your heart to soar~ I am so excited to share this sonic journey with you.” – Saffire

Quotes from past Events:
“Listening to Saffire play the HandPan is like listening to the falling rain give a concert Watching him play is poetry in motion”

The first time I heard Saffire play the HandPan was after a Dream Drum Dance class. The melodic tones were so soothing and beautiful. I melted.”

“For me, Saffire’s play inspires a mild meditative state. His rhythms are musically complex and accessible. I am transported, I let go, relax, and flat downstream. “


Small group and private sessions available
contact Saffire
with this link or call or text at (971) 331-3956.

If you are interested in private drumming, dance into being or dance sessions with Saffire contact him with this link or call or text at (971) 331-3956.

Register for Classes with Saffire

Payment Choice
Venmo at Saffire-Bouchelion
At the door

Need more information?  Questions?

Contact Saffire at,

(971) 331-3956 Text OK

Vemo ID Saffire-Bouchelion!

© Saffire Bouchelion 2014

website created by New Stream Consulting

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