Dance Into Being

Embodyment Through Movement, Rhythm, Voice, and Creativity

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About Saffire
My work centers around first creating a deeper sense of embodiment, self empowerment and self expression through the use of sound and movement together. It is very freeing and opening while being deeply self-revealing. We create music together, dance together, allow ourselves to see and be seen by others, work with the transition from neutral to activated space, and the energies of transmitting and receiving. We also work with pulse, beat, and rhythm. As long as we are each in relationship with the same pulse, we are in relationship with each other. This is the essence of true community.
In the beginning there was vibration
And it rang out and into the void, found the edges of the nothingness and echoed back to the center of itself, only to do it again and again until it had found and defined itself as Pulse
And The Pulse was life
All that lived within it was in harmony
as long as they honored and were in relationship to
The Pulse
Then The Pulse organized itself
And became Beat
The Beat was vast and varied and beautiful
And always honored the Master...
The Pulse
Then something miraculous happened
As Beats got into relationships with other Beats
They evolved into Rhythms
The collective groove had begun~
Activating, enticing, seductive and sacred
Called forth birth, celebrated Life and Death, honored Ceremony and Union.
They signified origin and culture and religion
They were our past,
our present,
our future.
But some became so enamoured of their own rhythms and what they stood for
that they forgot to remain connected with The Pulse from which they came.
The fell out of relationship with Pulse
Therefore they fell out of relationship
with each other and with the life around them
And for a while there was no more harmony
Only the screams of the invisible could be heard
Calling us back
Calling us back
Calling us
Back to the One~
(Saffire Bouchelion)
What's trying to happen in a sacred circumstance is ones inner nature, which you could also call the deep soul, is trying to break through, is trying to become conscious. All Spiritual, Sacred forms are forms in which the surprising, unique, and unusual is intended to occur. As soon as the outcome of the ceremony or the religious practice is predicted, it has stopped being magical and has stopped being truly spiritual. As soon as the outcome becomes predictable, which usually causes the behavior to be predictable, the Spiritual has already departed. That the Spiritual by its very nature is a unique presence. We can only meet it, join it, find it by bringing the unique qualities of ourselves out. All meetings with the Sacred are encounters with Power.
Spirit means Power.
Sacred means place of Power.
~Micheal Mead